Hacktivate Mesa - 2020
January 13-14, Mesa Arts Center - Ikeda Theater
2020 Event Topics
- Millennials in Mesa - Workforce Talent Attraction
- Recycling in my community
- Educational attainment in my community
- Parking and transportation in a "Smart City"
- Homelessness and affordable housing in my community
- Suicide prevention and mental health in my community
- Opioid abuse in my community
Millenials in Mesa - Workforce Talent Attraction
Millennials are defined as
the generation born between 1981-1996 (21-37 years old). More than one-in-three
American labor force participants (35%) are Millennials, making them the
largest generation in the market. This number will continue to grow over the
next decade. What does the city of Mesa need to do in order to be an attractive
place for Millennials to locate, work, and grow in? What type of employers will
they work for? What are the amenities they most value? What type of industries
do they most want to work in? Cities across the US such as Austin, TX, Denver,
CO, and Nashville, TN are attracting large numbers of new millennials each
year. What do you think Mesa should focus on in order to be a growing home for
this generation?
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Zoning-Property/Commercial-Vacancy-Multi-Family/rabe-bhdq - Apartments inventory, square footage and rents in Mesa
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Neighborhoods/ESRI-Community-Files/rgxf-zbvg - ESRI Community Files including Business Summary, Community Profile and Tapestry Segmentation Area Profiles. See attachments in metadata section.
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Multi-Family-Property-Information/8m85-ka5w - Multi-Family Property information for comparison cities Austin, Denver and San Diego.
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Zoning-Property/Zillow-Single-Family-Rental-Rates/jie2-w952 - Zillow Single Family Rental Rates
- https://data.austintexas.gov - City of Austin, TX open data portal
- https://www.denver.gov/opendata/ - City of Denver, CO open data portal
- https://data.sandiego.gov - City of San Diego, CA open data portal
Other Resources
https://career.asu.edu/Graduate-career-outcomes - Arizona State University career outcomes
https://uair.arizona.edu/content/degrees-and-majors-awarded - University of Arizona degrees and majors awarded
https://www.azmag.gov/Portals/0/Documents/TAG_2017-01-19_Labor-Force-Analytics-Presentation.pdf - Labor Force Analytics, MAG Technology Advisory Group, January 19, 2017
https://doc.arcgis.com/en/esri-demographics/data/tapestry-segmentation.htm - Tapestry segmentation explanation
ASU Degrees Awarded Trends - Metropolitan Campuses
ASU Degrees Awarded by College - Metropolitan Campuses
Recycling in my community
The City provides trash and recycling services to residents
and businesses. Trash is sent to a landfill and materials that can be recycled
are processed and sold for re-use. The City’s ability to maintain a
recycling program is affected by the amount of contamination mixed with the
recycled material. Recently, businesses will only buy recyclable material
from the City if little to no contamination is mixed with the recyclable
material. Additionally, it often costs less for manufacturers to use raw
material than to pay to process and use recyclable material. What
are the issues? What is the impact on people when material is not recycled?
What is the impact on the environment? What is the impact on profit and
prosperity if material is not recycled?
Datasets (Note: Some datasets require a username/password - see city staff)
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Household-Hazardous-Materials-HHM-Management-Publi/f32f-znqw - Household Hazardous Materials Management
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Solid-Waste-Barrel-Tonnage/kamg-dyye - Solid Waste - Barrel Tonnage
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Solid-Waste-Commercial-Customer-Retention-and-Grow/g99v-xxgh - Solid Waste - Commercial Customer Retention and Growth
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Solid-Waste-Barrels-Scheduled-for-Collection/73wn-jr3a - Solid Waste - Barrels Scheduled for Collection
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Solid-Waste-Barrels-Collected/xs8f-aset - Solid Waste - Barrels Collected
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Environmental-Management-and-Sustainability/Solid-Waste-Service-Requests/knbu-n2gc - Solid Waste - Service Requests
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Daily-Disposal/ne55-bb7w (requires username/password - see city staff)
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Solid-Waste-Recycle-Routes-Statistics/g23v-cqem (Note: access requires username/password, see city staff)
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Solid-Waste-Operator-Identified-Contamination-Loca/daru-5qj4 (Note: access requires username/password, see city staff)
Educational attainment in my community
Arizona is currently in the midst of an educational crisis. Nationally Arizona ranks among the lowest for post high school educational attainment, currently at 45%. This means 45% of adults ages 25-64 in the state of Arizona are educated beyond high school. And Mesa has one of the largest none-degree/certification population in the County and in the State. In what ways does educational attainment affect you and the community as a whole? Are there connections between educational attainment and quality of life as measured by income, crime, amenities and meaningful employment? To be economically competitive, the City of Mesa must purposely and deliberately engage in increasing the educational level of our residents to 60% by 2030. Specifically, Mesa has 21,599 people who need a GED, 45,000 who need to enroll into post- secondary education (they have graduated high school but no college) and we have 75,000 people who have SOME college but no degree or certification. What does the City of Mesa need to do to increase overall enrollment in a post high school college, certification or license program? How do we help over 20,000 people get a GED and over 75,000 people re-connect back into the educational pipeline? How will we meet our statewide goal of educating to 60% by 2030?
Datasets / Charts
- Educational attainment of residents living in Mesa (counts), (ACS 1-Year Estimates) age 25 and older.
- Educational attainment of residents living in Mesa (counts), (ACS 5-Year Estimates) age 25 and older.
- Regional Educational Attainment (percentages), (ACS 1-Year Estimates) age 25 and older.
- Regional Educational Attainment (percentages), (ACS 5-Year Estimates) age 25 and older.
- Bachelor's degree or higher by census tract (percentages, map) (ACS 5-Year Estimates) age 25 and older.
- Field of bachelor's degree (counts, percentages) (ACS 1-Year Estimates)
- STEM Bachelor's Degree (ACS 5-Year Estimates)
Other Resources
- Achieve 60 Arizona - Achieve60AZ is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based alliance of over 100 member organizations and more than 40 municipalities that have made the post-secondary attainment goal their own.
- Arizona FAFSA Challenge - To qualify for financial aid such as grants, scholarships, work study, student loans etc, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Because money can often be a barrier to post HS education, the state of Arizona is challenging students across the state to complete the form. This website has more information about FAFSA, the challenge and progress toward their goals.
- Arizona High School Report Card - Data and report published by the Arizona Board of Regents provides Arizona graduates' college performance statistics by public high school through displaying several key post secondary performance indicators.
- US Educational Attainment - post secondary degrees, certifications and licenses percent of population by state.
- ASU Decision Center for Educational Excellence - PowerPoint presentation containing sample data for Mesa.
High School test scores, graduation and
dropout data:
resource has test scores, graduation rates and dropout rates by school and
College Enrollment and
completion by high school
Board of Regents tracks college enrollment and completion by school.
College Completion Rates by
Scorecard https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/
can look up school completion rates and other data.
FAFSA Completion Rates
resource has the number of students completing the FAFSA by high school they
say they are going to. To see the enrollment at the school go here https://www.azed.gov/accountability-research/data/
and click on the enrollment tab.
Parking and transportation in a "Smart City"
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Velocity-Individual-Traffic-Match/7dbt-yfru - ARID sensors match data for travel times along selected traffic corridors
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Velocity-Individual-Traffic-Match-Summary-Data/gahs-9p9p - Summarized ARID sensors for last 6 months. Match data for travel times along selected traffic corridors
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Traffic-Sensor-Location-Iteris/6zy3-ntu8 - Location of ARID traffic sensors
- Traffic signaling (dumb - citywide)
- Traffic signaling (smart - Superstition Springs Mall)
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Mesa-Moves-Survey/7tz7-qisd - Mesa Moves survey results (Note: access requires username/password, see city staff)
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Public-Safety/Traffic-Accidents/24df-s3cy - Traffic Accidents reported to Mesa Police Department
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Transportation/Transportation-Pavement-Inventory/2gx3-zdvf - Streets Pavement Inventory
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Streets-Network/y3aj-3i5y - All streets data collected, maintained and used by Maricopa Regional 911 (MR911)
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Streetlight-Fixtures/dm4g-y5j4 - Streetlight Fixtures Inventory
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Recreation-Culture/Bicycle-Facilities/8tqq-spw7 - city-wide network of on-street bike facilities and off-street shared-use facilities
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/SharedUsePaths/ts88-fxmp - citywide network of off-street paved and shared-use paths, paved canal paths and unpaved canal paths.
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Bus-Ridership/nmjv-498y - Bus ridership for Mesa bus stops / routes
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Planes-Trains-Automobiles/Light-Rail-Ridership/pdpe-wbxu - Light rail ridership by Mesa station
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Falcon-Field-Airport/Falcon-Field-Airport-Operations/ddkr-5u2f - arrivals and departures from the airport at Falcon Field Airport by flight type.
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Falcon-Field/Falcon-Field-Aircraft-Public-/4mbx-abiq - aircraft information based at Falcon Field Airport
- https://citydata.mesaaz.gov/Falcon-Field-Airport/Falcon-Field-Household-Complaints-Public-View/ufbk-gi65 - complaints about aircraft noise from Falcon Field airport.
Other Resources
Homelessness in my community
Individuals and families experiencing
homelessness is a challenge faced by cities across the country and Mesa is no
exception. Many factors likely
contribute to homelessness including insufficient income, increasing housing
costs, mental health issues and family struggles just to name a few.
Organizations like the Center for
Evidence-based Solutions to Homelessness and others have shown there are proven
methods that can help prevent and end homelessness. We are fortunate in Mesa to have many great
social service agencies and a generous community ready and willing to
help. Using the data available, can your
team discover local trends or patterns in homelessness? What are some potential solutions that uplift
our community and benefit those experiencing homelessness?
- https://data.mesaaz.gov/Zoning-Property/Zillow-Single-Family-Rental-Rates/jie2-w952 - Zillow Single Family Rental Rates
Other resources
- Unsheltered Perspectives - Interviews with 100 people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Phoenix, Arizona
- Homelessness in Arizona Annual Report 2017 https://des.az.gov/sites/default/files/dl/des_annual_homeless_report_2017.pdf
- Point in Time Homeless Count Analysis August 2017 http://azmag.gov/Portals/0/Documents/MagContent/2017_PIT-Analysis_Final.pdf?ver=2017-09-08-143100-797
- Out of Reach AZ 2018 https://nlihc.org/oor/arizona
- Out of Reach 2018, Full Report https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/oor/OOR_2018.pdf
- Eviction Rates https://evictionlab.org/
- 2018 Year-end Rent Report - Scroll to "Mid-Size Cities" section for specific Mesa data.
Suicide prevention & mental health in my community
Datasets (Note: May require a username/password - see city staff)
https://data.mesaaz.gov/dataset/Suicide-Victims-in-Mesa/gem4-zn88 - See attachments for more information
Opioid epidemic in my community
Every day more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids. Additional misuse and addiction to opioids across our communities have far flung negative social and economic impacts. Opioid addiction and abuse is a serious national crisis and Mesa Police and Fire personnel are on the front lines, responding to opioid related incidents every day.
Understanding where, how, and the frequency of opioid abuse can be a good start to addressing the crisis and impacting positive change. Using the available datasets and others at your disposal, describe the opioid epidemic in Mesa and some potential solutions to the problem