Opioid Overdose - A Public Health Emergency

What does opioid overdose look like in Mesa?

Data based on cases of opioid overdose since 2018 as responded to by Mesa Fire and Medical Department (MFMD). Opioid overdose confirmed by 1) patient or witness verification, 2) opioid found on scene or 3) positive response to Narcan treatment.
In 2023, Maricopa County EMS/Law Enforcement agencies reported 5,254 overdose incidents, a 28.4% decrease from 2022. See the ADHS dashboard for more information.
What is Opioid Abuse?
The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relieversheroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl—is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. To learn more about the epidemic in Arizona and what's being done, visit the Arizona Department of Health Services Opioid Epidemic page.
Learn more about the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act 

Where are opioid overdoses occurring in Mesa?

Overdose incidents are aggregated by 16th of a mile hexagons. 

The Maricopa County Department of Public Health created MaricopaRx as an online tool to connect treatment providers, educators, community-based organizations, law enforcement, and other stakeholders engaged in the fight to end the opioid epidemic in Maricopa County and beyond. 

Opioid Overdose Incidents Table