Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program

The Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance Program (ERAP) provides financial assistance to households financially impacted by COVID for rental and utility assistance to prevent eviction and homelessness and ended February 2023. The data below is no longer receiving updates.
Visit the summary of ERAP Assistance distributed by clicking here.  
Who Qualified:
  • City of Mesa Resident (cannot assist if you live on a County Island in Mesa)
  • Impacted financially during COVID (loss of job, reduced hours, medical expenses, etc.)
  • any household member that has been unemployed for 90 days or more
  • Annual household income is at or below 50% if area median income (see chart below)
  • First time applying for assistance or previously assistance received was for less than 6 months.
Priority was given to households annual income is at or below 50% of the area median income and first time applying or have received less than 6 months of assistance previously.

Application Processing Turn-Around Time

Processing applications for rent and utilities assistance as quickly as possible is a key performance metric. The number on the right represents the average number of days between when an application is received and when a rent payment is made, for applications that have been approved and dispersed funds.

Applications by Zip Code

ERAP Applicants received by zip code. Default is all applications (excluding duplicates), filter to see applications by status (Completed, Ineligible, etc.)

Mesa CARES 2020 Rent & Mortgage Assistance Program

The City of Mesa Emergency Rental and Utilities Assistance Program was first established during 2020 in response to COVID pandemic financial impact to Mesa Residents and was initially funded through CARES Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES ACT). Click here for more information about the Mesa CARES Story. Click here to see 2020 Utility Assistance data. The MesaCARES funded programs ended December 30, 2020.

Full ERAP Dataset