This view of aircraft information based at Falcon Field Airport redacted owner information including owner name, address, phone number and geocoded location. Owner city, state and zip code values are retained. Aircraft under construction or temporary foreign-based aircraft are not included in quarterly reports to the FAA and ADOT.
Information about tenants and jobs based at Falcon Field Airport used for the Airport-Based Jobs performance measure. Redacted fields include tenant or business name, contact information and internal notes.
Information about tenants and businesses based at Falcon Field Airport. Redacted fields include contact information, employee counts and other internal notes, expansion plans, etc.
Information about active business licenses issued by City of Mesa and is available for public release. Mesa's General Business Licenses are separate from Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) licenses. Information about applications or renewals of business license are NOT included in this dataset. Address of home-based licenses are redacted, and location geocoordinates are rounded to within 1.11km.
This dataset describes the amount of tax and non-tax revenue collected that is in the Collections Database. It redacts disaggregated protected fields pursuant to ARS 41-2003.