This feature class contains the location of existing addresses within the City of Mesa. Site addresses are active and usable by property owners, the US Post Office, utility companies, etc. The dataset includes unit or suite addresses. Also included in the dataset is the individual pieces of the address (number, number fraction if available, street name and unit/suite number), classification of the unit or suite, full address, classification, council district, address type (site, unit or horizontal unit), and unit/suite floor. Coordinate: NAD 1983, HARN, State Plane, Arizona, Central FIPS 0202, Feet InternationalProjection: Traverse MercatorLand Status CodeNameEExistingPPermittedAddress Unit Type CodeNameNSUNon Standard Unit - utility, garageSiteSite AddressUUnitZUZ Unit - non ground floor unitUnit Classification CodeNameAPTApartmentBFPBackflow PreventerBLDGBuildingBRTSBus Rapid Transit ShelterBSMTBasementEPANElectric PanelFHYDFire HydrantGRGarageHNGRHangerLOTLotLSCPLandscape MeterMVLTMeter VaultOFCOfficePOLEElectric Power PoleRMRoomSIGNSignSPCSpaceSTESuiteSTLTStreet LightTSGLTraffic SignalUNITUnitPPEDPower Pedestal for Telecommunications, etc.Address Classification CodeNameAAAsset AddressAGCrop or Dairy ProductionAPApartmentARAirportBRBike RentalBSBusiness - banks, officesCICity of MesaCMCommercial - stores, retailCNCondominiumCTCourtDFDefense PropertyEDEducational FacilityFDFire FacilityGCGolf CourseHPHospitalHTHotel or MotelIDIndustrial - manufacturing, assembly or fabrication activityINInstitutional - children's home, group homeKBKnox BoxLRLight Rail StationMDMedical FacilityMHMobile Home ParkMLShopping MallMUMixed Use - commercial/residential; commercial/warehouse, etc.NHNursing HomeOSPrivately Owned Community Open SpacePDPolice FacilityPGParking Garage or LotPKPark - City OwnedPOPost OfficeRBRetention BasinRCRecreational FacilityRLReligious FacilityRSResidentialSBSubdivision or Private Area Development Main AddressSPSpecial PropertySTStorage FacilityTHTownhomesTRTrailer ParkUAUnit Address - see UnitClassification fieldUTUtilityVCVacantWHWarehouse