This dataset describes the work orders completed to maintain City of Mesa park amenities. The data includes the location of, type of (i.e. plumbing, lighting, etc.), time spent on, and cost of work.
Participation numbers for our Recreation & Aquatics; including Recreation Centers: Red Mountain Center, Webster, Jefferson, and Eagles. It includes programming and all aquatic participation numbers by season. Seasons are defined as: Spring = Jan - Apr, Summer = May - Aug and Fall = Sep - Dec.
Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities (PRCF) safety inspections completed per month for each facility type, parks (playgrounds), sports fields, aquatic facilities, and stadiums.
This dataset describes the number of volunteer hours provided at programs and events held by the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department.
Number of volunteers, number of volunteer hours given each month, and dollar value of volunteer hours given each month. This public view redacts volunteer first and last names.