Incidents based on initial police reports taken by officers when responding to calls for service. Data is modified for public use. Address and Location are not exact locations of incidents and have been rounded to nearest hundred block. Lat/Long are approximations only based on rounded hundred block. Incidents reported in this dataset may not correlate with 911 Events datasets and calls for Police service.
The City of Mesa does not disclose information that is inflammatory in nature that impacts our citizens. Crimes reported in this data set have not been adjudicated in a court of law for final determination.
Although sensitive crimes are included, the approximate address are NOT included. Therefore aggregate totals of crimes are accurate, without providing sensitive information. Addresses are not included for: sexual abuse, sexual assault, suicide, incest, molestation of a child or homicide.
Similar information is also provided through the website, a 3rd party service that visually reviews crime data for Mesa and outlining areas.
Some of the data fields provided are used to report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For a listing of data fields and description please see their UCR Program Data Collections page. Alternatively, please see the Bureau of Justice Statistics NIBRS website for a listing of data fields.