This feature class contains the location of the existing street centerlines for the City of Mesa planning area. The information also includes the street name, the FIPS classification code, the “plain English” classification (arterial, collector, residential, etc.), if the street is publicly or privately owned and maintained, and the address ranges for each street segment.Coordinate: NAD 1983, HARN, State Plane, Arizona, Central FIPS 0202, Feet InternationalProjection: Traverse MercatorLand Status CodeNameEExistingPPermittedRRecordedStreet Classification CodeNameA21US Highway or Primary Road - UnseparatedA25US Highway or Primary Road - SeparatedA31State Highway or Secondary and Connecting Road - UnseparatedA35State Highway or Secondary and Connecting Road - SeparatedA48Local, Neighborhood, Rural Road and City Street - Separated with Rail Line in CenterA60Special Road Feature - major category used when the minor category could not be determinedA61Cul-de-sacA62Traffic Circle or RoundaboutA63Access RampA41ARTLArterialA41COLLCollectorA41RESResidential and LocalA41PRVTPrivate - privately owned and maintained, with and without addressesA41FRNTFrontage or Access - usually parrallel to arterial/collector with the same nameA41ALGNAlignment - with addresses; drivable; no dedicated right-of-wayA41BBLEBubble - short extension off a main street, usually perpendicular; shares the same name and addresses with the main streetA41ALLYAlleyA41RUNRunwayA41TAXITaxiwayA45ARTLArterialA45COLLCollectorA45FRNTFrontage or Access - usually parrallel to arterial/collector with the same name, and separated by curbing